Install: cd /var/www tar -xzvf asterisk-cdr-viewer.tgz OR svn checkout asterisk-cdr-viewer cp asterisk-cdr-viewer/contrib/httpd/asterisk-cdr-viewer.conf /etc/httpd/conf.d/ service httpd restart change settings in /var/www/asterisk-cdr-viewer/include/ open browser with url http://your_ip/acdr/ Recording interface To display the links to the recorded files: * change the following settings in configuration file ( ): 1. $system_monitor_dir = '/var/spool/asterisk/monitor'; - is the directory where call recordings are stored 2. $system_audio_format = 'wav'; - audio file format * Use like this command to start recording ( in asterisk dialplan ): [macro-monitor] exten => s,1,Set(MONITOR_FILE=/var/spool/asterisk/monitor/${UNIQUEID}) exten => s,n,MixMonitor(${MONITOR_FILE}.wav,b) !!! if you use a different file format, see more examples in ( function formatFiles) !!! Regular expressions If an Source / Destination number is prefixed by a '_' character, it is interpreted as a pattern rather than a literal. In patterns, some characters have special meanings: X - any digit from 0-9 Z - any digit from 1-9 N - any digit from 2-9 [1235-9] - any digit in the brackets (in this example, 1,2,3,5,6,7,8,9) . - wildcard, matches anything remaining (e.g. _9011. matches anything starting with 9011 excluding 9011 itself) For example, the Source/Destination _NXXXXXX would match 7 digit numbers, while _1NXXNXXXXXX would represent an area code plus phone number preceded by a one. This cdr-viewer supports the processing of multiple regular expressions in the Source/Destination name separated by a comma. For example: * Source = '_2XXN, _562., _.0075' - src is any of these numbers Multiple user access uncomment following section in http.conf file: AuthName "Asterisk-CDR-Stat" AuthType Basic AuthUserFile /var/www/asterisk-cdr-viewer/.htpasswd AuthGroupFile /dev/null require valid-user * add admin user, for example (iokunev) : htpasswd -c /var/www/asterisk-cdr-viewer/.htpasswd iokunev * added admin name to include/ $admin_user_names = "admin1,admin2,iokunev" !!! $admin_user_names = '*' - all registered users are administrators. !!! access for all CDRs: http://your_ip/acdr/ - with login iokunev * add user 2280: htpasswd /var/www/asterisk-cdr-viewer/.htpasswd 2280 test access for incomming/outgoing (cid or did=2280) calls for this user: http://your_ip/acdr/ - with login 2280 Optional CDR columns `clid` and `accountcode` optional column. to enable/disable it please change following variables in config file: /* enable / disabe column */ $display_column = array(); $display_column['clid'] = 0; /* disabled */ $display_column['accountcode'] = 1; /* enabled */ CallRates Support * upload csv file to server and add path to the '$callrate_csv_file' variable in config file. callrates file format: areacode,callrate_per_minute[,Destination[,rate_type]] for example: 011,0.12,Intr,m supported rate_type: * s - per second tarification * c - per call tarification * m - per minute tarification ( default ) * 1m+s - combi * 30s+s - combi 2 * 30s+6s - combi 3 Plugins support * Plug-in file name should be in the format: * Plug-in must contain function `plugin_name`. * Copy your plugin to the directory include/plugins/ * Add plugin name to include/, to $plugins() variable * Please see plugin for more details. Postgres to use this software with postgres DB, add follow function to DB: CREATE FUNCTION unix_timestamp(TIMESTAMP) RETURNS INTEGER AS ' SELECT date_part(''epoch'', $1)::INTEGER AS RESULT ' LANGUAGE sql; CREATE FUNCTION